September 2009

Silent Affirmation for Wednesday: Goals

I have the power to reach my goals.

How to use this recording: Listen to the recording while saying the above affirmation to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.You may listen to this silent recording as often as you wish.

It is important to say the affirmation to yourself to make certain that the information is accepted into your conscious mind.

Supraliminals are recorded above the threshold of human hearing. There are no audible words: your subconscious will hear the message while your ears will hear absolutely nothing.

There are a total of 70 affirmations on each recording, stated in various ways in order to make the deepest possible imprint upon your subconscious mind. These embedded suggestions serve to remove the subconscious blocks to creating these changes in your life.

The recording is completely silent.

Below are the affirmations that exist on this recording.

  • I have the power to reach my goals.
  • You have the power to reach your goals.
  • Other people realize that you have the power to reach your goals.
  • Successful people, like you, know that they have the power to reach their goals.

Wishing you the best of success,

Silent Affirmation for Tuesday: Unlimited Potential

I have unlimited potential.

How to use this recording: Listen to the recording while saying the above affirmation to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.You may listen to this silent recording as often as you wish.

It is important to say the affirmation to yourself to make certain that the information is accepted into your conscious mind.

Supraliminals are recorded above the threshold of human hearing. There are no audible words: your subconscious will hear the message while your ears will hear absolutely nothing.

There are a total of 70 affirmations on each recording, stated in various ways in order to make the deepest possible imprint upon your subconscious mind. These embedded suggestions serve to remove the subconscious blocks to creating these changes in your life.

The recording is completely silent.

Below are the affirmations that exist on this recording.

  • I have unlimited potential.
  • have unlimited potential.
  • Other people realize that you have unlimited potential.
  • Successful people, like you, have unlimited potential.

Wishing you the best of success,


Silent Affirmation for Monday: Learning from Experience

I benefit from all of my experiences.…

How to use this recording: Listen to the recording while saying the above affirmation to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.You may listen to this silent recording as often as you wish.

It is important to say the affirmation to yourself to make certain that the information is accepted into your conscious mind.

Supraliminals are recorded above the threshold of human hearing. There are no audible words: your subconscious will hear the message while your ears will hear absolutely nothing.

There are a total of 70 affirmations on each recording, stated in various ways in order to make the deepest possible imprint upon your subconscious mind. These embedded suggestions serve to remove the subconscious blocks to creating these changes in your life.

The recording is completely silent.

Below are the affirmations that exist on this recording.

  • I benefit from all of my experiences.
  • You benefit from all your experiences.
  • Other people notice that you benefit from all your experiences.
  • Successful people, like you, benefit from all of their experiences.

Wishing you the best of success,


Silent Affirmation for Friday: Self-Created Reality

I am creating what I want in my life.

self-creation sile…

How to use this recording: Listen to the recording while saying the above affirmation to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.You may listen to this silent recording as often as you wish.

It is important to say the affirmation to yourself to make certain that the information is accepted into your conscious mind.

Supraliminals are recorded above the threshold of human hearing. There are no audible words: your subconscious will hear the message while your ears will hear absolutely nothing.

There are a total of 70 affirmations on each recording, stated in various ways in order to make the deepest possible imprint upon your subconscious mind. These embedded suggestions serve to remove the subconscious blocks to creating these changes in your life.

The recording is completely silent.

Below are the affirmations that exist on this recording.

  • I am creating what I want in my life.
  • You are creating the things you want in your life.
  • Other people notice that you are creating what you want in your life.
  • Successful people, like you, create the things they want in their lives.

Wishing you the best of success,


Silent Affirmation for Thursday: Win-Win Solutions

I listen to the needs of others and create win-win solutions.

win win solutions …

How to use this recording: Listen to the recording while saying the above affirmation to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.You may listen to this silent recording as often as you wish.

It is important to say the affirmation to yourself to make certain that the information is accepted into your conscious mind.

Supraliminals are recorded above the threshold of human hearing. There are no audible words: your subconscious will hear the message while your ears will hear absolutely nothing.

There are a total of 70 affirmations on each recording, stated in various ways in order to make the deepest possible imprint upon your subconscious mind. These embedded suggestions serve to remove the subconscious blocks to creating these changes in your life.

The recording is completely silent.

Below are the affirmations that exist on this recording.

  • I listen to the needs of others and create win-win solutions.
  • You listen to the needs of others and create win-win solutions.
  • Other people respect you because you listen to the needs of others and create win-win solutions.
  • Successful people, like you, listen to the needs of others and create win-win solutions.

Wishing you the best of success,


Free Brainwave Entrainment mp3: Deep Sleep Training


(30 Min.) Only listen ONCE prior to falling asleep at night. Do not loop.  This supraliminal recording contains trance inducing tones and affirmations designed to help you sleep deeper, wake up more refreshed, and fall asleep easier. For best results, listen every day for at least four weeks. DO NOT listen to this recording while performing any activity that requires your complete concentration or if you have a seizure disorder.  Not for resale: all rights reserved.
Warning: It is important that whenever you listen to any hypnosis or subliminal recording that you be in a safe, peaceful environment. Please do not listen to these recordings while driving a vehicle or operating dangerous machinery. Certain people should not use hypnosis or subliminal recordings: do not listen to these recordings if you are pregnant, have a pacemaker, a seizure disorder, or are under the age of 18 (without the consent of your physician).

Silent Affirmation for Friday:

I attract only loving and supportive people into my life.
Silent Affirmation…

How to use this recording: Listen to the recording while saying the above affirmation to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.You may listen to this silent recording as often as you wish.

It is important to say the affirmation to yourself to make certain that the information is accepted into your conscious mind.

Supraliminals are recorded above the threshold of human hearing. There are no audible words: your subconscious will hear the message while your ears will hear absolutely nothing.

There are a total of 70 affirmations on each recording, stated in various ways in order to make the deepest possible imprint upon your subconscious mind. These embedded suggestions serve to remove the subconscious blocks to creating these changes in your life.

The recording is completely silent.

Below are the affirmations that exist on this recording.

  • I attract only loving and supportive people into my life.
  • You attract only loving and supportive people into your life.
  • Other people respect you because you attract only loving and supportive people into your life.
  • Happy people, like you, attract only loving and supportive people into your life.

Wishing you the best of success,


Silent Affirmation for Wednesday:

I attract only loving and supportive people into my life.
Silent Affirmation…

How to use this recording: Listen to the recording while saying the above affirmation to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.You may listen to this silent recording as often as you wish.

It is important to say the affirmation to yourself to make certain that the information is accepted into your conscious mind.

Supraliminals are recorded above the threshold of human hearing. There are no audible words: your subconscious will hear the message while your ears will hear absolutely nothing.

There are a total of 70 affirmations on each recording, stated in various ways in order to make the deepest possible imprint upon your subconscious mind. These embedded suggestions serve to remove the subconscious blocks to creating these changes in your life.

The recording is completely silent.

Below are the affirmations that exist on this recording.

  • I attract only loving and supportive people into my life.
  • You attract only loving and supportive people into your life.
  • Other people respect you because you attract only loving and supportive people into your life.
  • Happy people, like you, attract only loving and supportive people into your life.

Wishing you the best of success,


Silent Affirmation for Wednesday: Seeing Options

I am taking control of my life and seeing all of my options.

seeing options sil…

How to use this recording: Listen to the recording while saying the above affirmation to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.You may listen to this silent recording as often as you wish.

It is important to say the affirmation to yourself to make certain that the information is accepted into your conscious mind.

Supraliminals are recorded above the threshold of human hearing. There are no audible words: your subconscious will hear the message while your ears will hear absolutely nothing.

There are a total of 70 affirmations on each recording, stated in various ways in order to make the deepest possible imprint upon your subconscious mind. These embedded suggestions serve to remove the subconscious blocks to creating these changes in your life.

The recording is completely silent.

Below are the affirmations that exist on this recording.

  • I am taking control of my life and seeing all of my options.
  • You are taking control of your life and becoming aware of all of your options.
  • Other people notice that you are taking control of your life and are aware of all of your options.
  • Successful people, like you, take control of their lives and see all of their options.

Wishing you the best of success,


Silent Affirmation for Tuesday: Focus on Goodness

I focus on the good in people.

How to use this recording: Listen to the recording while saying the above affirmation to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.You may listen to this silent recording as often as you wish.

It is important to say the affirmation to yourself to make certain that the information is accepted into your conscious mind.

Supraliminals are recorded above the threshold of human hearing. There are no audible words: your subconscious will hear the message while your ears will hear absolutely nothing.

There are a total of 70 affirmations on each recording, stated in various ways in order to make the deepest possible imprint upon your subconscious mind. These embedded suggestions serve to remove the subconscious blocks to creating these changes in your life.

The recording is completely silent.

Below are the affirmations that exist on this recording.

  • I focus on the good in people.
  • You focus on the good in people.
  • Other people respect you because you focus on the good in people.
  • Successful people, like you, focus on the good in people.

Wishing you the best of success,
