Free Brainwave Synchronization Download – Ten Minute Relaxation Break

Can you use a break?

We have those days when we are running on all four cylinders. There is so much to do and so little time. Even when you manage to complete all of your tasks and relax it can be hard. Your body and mind may be very much still on the go.

If so, this recording is for you.

Sometimes, even in the middle of the rush, we need to slow down and collect our thoughts. Short breaks can help us get back into the swing of things, raring to go with more motivation than before. If you find this to be true, then this recording is for you.

Take time to relax. You deserve it!


(10 min.) A short piece designed to induce relaxation. There are no subliminal messages on this recording only trance inducing tones. Do not listen while driving or performing any activity that requires your complete concentration or if you have a seizure disorder.

Thank you.

Click here to download Ten Minute Relaxation Break for FREE

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