June 2009

Free Supraliminal Mp3: Approach Women with Confidence

A few weeks ago, I saw someone comment on a popular web social site that it was dangerous to approach women.

My mind raced to try to find situations in which that generalization would be true. Once, I actually witnessed a woman chasing a former lover with a pick-axe: that may be one situation where it would be best just to call the peace officers and avoid approaching the woman.

I am having trouble thinking of any others. Does anyone have any anecdotes to share here?

Honestly though, those type of situations are rare.
Most people are generally good and mean no harm.
Any person of average intelligence can pretty much deduce when it is safe to approach a member of the opposite sex. I\’m sure it is not common for the act of self-introduction to put anyone in mortal danger.

Now, as a woman, I know that there are really great guys who try too hard when they first introduce themselves. I don\’t want to embarrass anyone, so I won\’t make light of some of the more comedic aspects of dating that I\’ve experienced.

You can bet that I\’m smiling about them, though.

I will simply state that some of the most rewarding relationships I\’ve been blessed with started out with awkward introductions. Upon giving a guy a second chance, I usually saw the unique and wonderful human being buried under the pile of nervous skin and the poor pick up lines.


What advice would I have for men wanting to approach women with confidence?
It is simple…
Simply be yourself.
I probably have never met you. Still, I bet you are a great person. That is really all that you need. By being your true self around women, you will increase your odds of finding that special someone who will be comfortable around the real you!
Just be yourself. If a woman is not interested in you….well, that is her loss! You\’re a great guy. Someone better suited for you is out there just waiting to be introduced to you! Go find her!
Hypnosis can help build your confidence so that you can find it easy to be around attractive women. This recording can help build your confidence, strengthen your voice and body language, while reminding you to show the world the naturally great guy you are.
I wish you the best of success,


This powerful recording contains hundreds of hypnotic suggestions mixed with trance inducing isochronic tones. Listen to it no more than once in a one hour period and heed the warnings listed below. This recording contains music mixed with ocean sounds. To make it more powerful, there are embedded isochronic tones.
Downloading and/or playing any recording on this website constitutes your agreement to adhere and follow the warnings below. 

Warning: It is important that whenever you listen to any hypnosis or subliminal recording that you be in a safe, peaceful environment. Please do not listen to these recordings while driving a vehicle or operating dangerous machinery. Certain people should not use hypnosis or subliminal recordings: do not listen to these recordings if you are pregnant, have a pacemaker, a seizure disorder, or are under the age of 18 (without the consent of your physician).


Dating Confidence Supraliminal Self-hypnosis
$ 9.99      

Silent Affirmation for Friday: Taking Advice

I only accept advice from those I deem worthy of giving it.

good advice silent…

Click here to access the free download link.

About the process: Listen to the recording while saying the above affirmation to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.You may listen to this silent recording as often as you wish.It is important to say the affirmation to yourself to make certain that the information is accepted into your conscious mind.

Supraliminals are recorded above the threshold of human hearing. There are no audible words: your subconscious will hear the message while your ears will hear absolutely nothing.

There are a total of 70 affirmations on each recording, stated in various ways in order to make the deepest possible imprint upon your subconscious mind. These embedded suggestions serve to remove the subconscious blocks to creating these changes in your life.

The recording is completely silent.
Below are the affirmations that exist on this recording.
  • I only accept advice from those I deem worthy of giving it.
  • You only accept advice from those you deem worthy of giving it.
  • Other people respect you because you only accept advice from those you deem worthy of giving it.
  • Confident people, like you, only accept advice from those people who they deem worthy of giving it.
  • If you realize that you are the captain of your own ship, and thus choose to accept advice only from people worthy of giving it.

Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions.I always welcome your questions and feedback.

Wishing you the best of success,


Silent Affirmation for Thursday: Quality of Life

I give everything I have, every day and in every way, to better the quality of my life.

Silent Affirmation…

Click here to access the free download link.

About the process: Listen to the recording while saying the above affirmation to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.You may listen to this silent recording as often as you wish.It is important to say the affirmation to yourself to make certain that the information is accepted into your conscious mind.

Supraliminals are recorded above the threshold of human hearing. There are no audible words: your subconscious will hear the message while your ears will hear absolutely nothing.

There are a total of 70 affirmations on each recording, stated in various ways in order to make the deepest possible imprint upon your subconscious mind. These embedded suggestions serve to remove the subconscious blocks to creating these changes in your life.

The recording is completely silent.
Below are the affirmations that exist on this recording.
  • I give everything I have, every day and in every way, to better the quality of my life.
  • You give everything you have, every day in every way, to better the quality of your life.
  • Other people notice that you give everything you have, every day and in every way, to better the quality of your life.
  • Successful people, like you, give everything you have, every day and in every way, to better the quality of your life.
  • If you desire to improve your life, you may choose to give everything you have, every day and in every way, to better the quality of your life.
Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions.I always welcome your questions and feedback.

Wishing you the best of success,


Free Affirmation for Wednesday: Bold Wisdom

I act upon all of my ideas with boldness and wisdom.

About the process: Listen to the recording while saying the above affirmation to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.You may listen to this silent recording as often as you wish.It is important to say the affirmation to yourself to make certain that the information is accepted into your conscious mind.

Supraliminals are recorded above the threshold of human hearing. There are no audible words: your subconscious will hear the message while your ears will hear absolutely nothing.

There are a total of 70 affirmations on each recording, stated in various ways in order to make the deepest possible imprint upon your subconscious mind. These embedded suggestions serve to remove the subconscious blocks to creating these changes in your life.

The recording is completely silent.
Below are the affirmations that exist on this recording.
  • I honor the promises that I make to myself.
  • You honor the promises that you make to yourself.
  • Other people notice that you honor the promises that you make to yourself.
  • Successful people, like you, honor the promises that they make to themselves.
  • If you want to be successful, you can choose to always honor the promises that you make to yourself.
Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions.I always welcome your questions and feedback.

Wishing you the best of success,


Free Affirmation for Tuesday: Honoring Promises

I honor the promises that I make to myself.

honor promises sil…
About the process: Listen to the recording while saying the above affirmation to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.You may listen to this silent recording as often as you wish.It is important to say the affirmation to yourself to make certain that the information is accepted into your conscious mind.

Supraliminals are recorded above the threshold of human hearing. There are no audible words: your subconscious will hear the message while your ears will hear absolutely nothing.

There are a total of 70 affirmations on each recording, stated in various ways in order to make the deepest possible imprint upon your subconscious mind. These embedded suggestions serve to remove the subconscious blocks to creating these changes in your life.

The recording is completely silent.

Below are the affirmations that exist on this recording.

  • I honor the promises that I make to myself.
  • You honor the promises that you make to yourself.
  • Other people notice that you honor the promises that you make to yourself.
  • Successful people, like you, honor the promises that they make to yourself.
  • If you want to be successful, you can choose to always honor the promises that you make to yourself.

Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions.I always welcome your questions and feedback.

Wishing you the best of success,


Silent Affirmation for Monday: Loving Relationships

I love myself and naturally attract loving relationships into my life.

loving relationshi…
About the process: Listen to the recording while saying the above affirmation to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.You may listen to this silent recording as often as you wish.It is important to say the affirmation to yourself to make certain that the information is accepted into your conscious mind.

Supraliminals are recorded above the threshold of human hearing. There are no audible words: your subconscious will hear the message while your ears will hear absolutely nothing.

There are a total of 70 affirmations on each recording, stated in various ways in order to make the deepest possible imprint upon your subconscious mind. These embedded suggestions serve to remove the subconscious blocks to creating these changes in your life.

The recording is completely silent.

Below are the affirmations that exist on this recording.

  • I face unfamiliar situations with courage.
  • You face unfamiliar situations with courage.
  • Other people notice that you are courageous in any situation.
  • Successful people, like you, are courageous in any situation.
  • You may feel, if you wish, to feel courageous in any situation from this day forward.

Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions.I always welcome your questions and feedback.

Wishing you the best of success,


Silent Affirmation for Friday: Courage

I face unfamiliar situations with courage.

Silent Affirmation…
About the process: Listen to the recording while saying the above affirmation to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.You may listen to this silent recording as often as you wish.It is important to say the affirmation to yourself to make certain that the information is accepted into your conscious mind.

Supraliminals are recorded above the threshold of human hearing. There are no audible words: your subconscious will hear the message while your ears will hear absolutely nothing.

There are a total of 70 affirmations on each recording, stated in various ways in order to make the deepest possible imprint upon your subconscious mind. These embedded suggestions serve to remove the subconscious blocks to creating these changes in your life.

The recording is completely silent.

Below are the affirmations that exist on this recording.

  • I face unfamiliar situations with courage.
  • You face unfamiliar situations with courage.
  • Other people notice that you are courageous in any situation.
  • Successful people, like you, are courageous in any situation.
  • You may feel, if you wish, to feel courageous in any situation from this day forward.

Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions.I always welcome your questions and feedback.

Wishing you the best of success,


Silent Affirmation for Thursday: Attract Opportunities

I attract opportunities.
Silent Affirmation…
About the process: Listen to the recording while saying the above affirmation to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.You may listen to this silent recording as often as you wish.It is important to say the affirmation to yourself to make certain that the information is accepted into your conscious mind.

Supraliminals are recorded above the threshold of human hearing. There are no audible words: your subconscious will hear the message while your ears will hear absolutely nothing.

There are a total of 70 affirmations on each recording, stated in various ways in order to make the deepest possible imprint upon your subconscious mind. These embedded suggestions serve to remove the subconscious blocks to creating these changes in your life.

The recording is completely silent.

Below are the affirmations that exist on this recording.

  • I attract opportunities.
  • You attract opportunities.
  • Everyone notices that you attract opportunities.
  • Successful people, like me, attract opportunities.
  • You can choose to be on the look out and embrace the opportunities around you.

Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions.I always welcome your questions and feedback.

Wishing you the best of success,


Silent Affirmation for Wednesday: Fuel Success

My enthusiasm fuels my success.

Silent Affirmation…
About the process: Listen to the recording while saying the above affirmation to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.You may listen to this silent recording as often as you wish.It is important to say the affirmation to yourself to make certain that the information is accepted into your conscious mind.

Supraliminals are recorded above the threshold of human hearing. There are no audible words: your subconscious will hear the message while your ears will hear absolutely nothing.

There are a total of 70 affirmations on each recording, stated in various ways in order to make the deepest possible imprint upon your subconscious mind. These embedded suggestions serve to remove the subconscious blocks to creating these changes in your life.

The recording is completely silent.

Below are the affirmations that exist on this recording.

  • My enthusiasm fuels my success.
  • Your enthusiasm fuels your success.
  • Other people notice that your enthusiasm fuels your success.
  • Successful people, like you, are enthusiastic.
  • Don\’t you agree that your enthusiasm keeps you motivated and brings your success?

Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions.I always welcome your questions and feedback.

Wishing you the best of success,


Silent Affirmation for Tuesday: Prosperous Ideas

I create and implement new and prosperous ideas everyday.

prosperous ideas s…
About the process: Listen to the recording while saying the above affirmation to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.You may listen to this silent recording as often as you wish.It is important to say the affirmation to yourself to make certain that the information is accepted into your conscious mind.

Supraliminals are recorded above the threshold of human hearing. There are no audible words: your subconscious will hear the message while your ears will hear absolutely nothing.

There are a total of 70 affirmations on each recording, stated in various ways in order to make the deepest possible imprint upon your subconscious mind. These embedded suggestions serve to remove the subconscious blocks to creating these changes in your life.

The recording is completely silent.

Below are the affirmations that exist on this recording.

  • I create and implement new and prosperous ideas everyday.
  • You create and implement new and prosperous ideas everyday.
  • Other people notice that you create and implement new and prosperous ideas everyday.
  • Successful people, like you, create and implement new and prosperous ideas everyday.
  • You, as a successful person, can choose to create and implement new and prosperous ideas everyday.

Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions.I always welcome your questions and feedback.

Wishing you the best of success,
