December 2011

Affirmations to Attract Prosperity: Success


Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording

These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.

  • I am good at what I do.
  • I attract endless opportunities to me.
  • My success is inevitable.
  • I am constantly adding to my income.
  • I attract unlimited abundance into every aspect of my life.
  • I always have enough money.

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Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.

Do you still have questions?

Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?

If so, email Sheilah.

I\’d enjoy hearing from you!

Affirmations to Attract Prosperity: Accept Abundance


Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording

These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.

  • I know that life is abundant and I accept abundance in my life now.
  • I know that I deserve prosperity of every kind.
  • I prosper wherever I turn.
  • I am unaffected by negativity.
  • I have the ability to enjoy the all of the good things that life has to offer.
  • I firmly believe that I will receive an increasing flow of money this day and every day from this moment forward.

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Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.

Do you still have questions?

Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?

If so, email Sheilah.

I\’d enjoy hearing from you!

Affirmations to Attract Prosperity: Income Increase


Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording

These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.

  • I have the ability to create wealth in my life.
  • I expect new opportunities to increase my income to open up for me.
  • I attract endless opportunities my way.
  • I take advantage of opportunities to create wealth in my life.
  • I am successful.
  • Money flows to me from both expected and unexpected sources.

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Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.

Do you still have questions?

Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?

If so, email Sheilah.

I\’d enjoy hearing from you!

Affirmations to Attract Prosperity: Attract Opportunities


Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording

These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.

  • Abundance is my birthright.
  • I was born to be successful.
  • I focus on abundance.
  • I use all of my talents and abilities to their fullest.
  • I recognize and act upon all opportunities that will bring wealth into my life.
  • I draw prosperity of all kinds towards me.

Not for Resale. All Rights Reserved.

Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.

Do you still have questions?

Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?

If so, email Sheilah.

I\’d enjoy hearing from you!

Affirmations To Overcome Shyness: Charisma


Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording

These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.

  • I am relaxed and expressive.
  • I glow with loving concern and charisma.
  • I always give appropriate eye contact.
  • I want to hear about the things that interest other people.
  • I radiate warmth and love to others.

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Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.

Do you still have questions?

Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?

If so, email Sheilah.

I\’d enjoy hearing from you!

Affirmations To Overcome Shyness: Sincere Interest in Others

Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording

These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.

  • I am assertive.
  • I communicate in a positive manner.
  • My communication is clear, fluent, articulate and forceful.
  • I let people know they matter and I enjoy being around them.
  • I smile and nod when other people talk.
  • I show a heartfelt interest in other people.

Not for Resale. All Rights Reserved.

Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.

Do you still have questions?

Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?

If so, email Sheilah.

I\’d enjoy hearing from you!

Affirmations To Overcome Shyness: Positive Communication

Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording

These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.

  • I hold my head high and walk with a confident posture.
  • I stand up straight and have a sincere smile.
  • My speech and outlook is upbeat.
  • People listen to me when I speak.
  • I articulate my thoughts beautifully.

Not for Resale. All Rights Reserved.

Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.

Do you still have questions?

Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?

If so, email Sheilah.

I\’d enjoy hearing from you!

Affirmations To Overcome Shyness: Small Talk


Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording

These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.

  • I easily make small talk.
  • I always know the right thing to say.
  • I have genuine concern for people.
  • I focus on what other people are saying.
  • I am sincerely interested in others.

Not for Resale. All Rights Reserved.

Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.

Do you still have questions?

Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?

If so, email Sheilah.

I\’d enjoy hearing from you!

Affirmations To Overcome Shyness: Confidence around Others


Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording

These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.

  • I radiate confidence.
  • I feel good about myself.
  • I am at ease in any situation.
  • I am confident and relaxed in all my undertakings.
  • My body language tells people that I am confident, open, and approachable.

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Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.

Do you still have questions?

Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?

If so, email Sheilah.

I\’d enjoy hearing from you!

Guided + Subliminal Affirmations for Courage: Resilience


Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording

These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.

  • I face my problems.
    I have the ability to handle anything that comes my way.
    I can survive any storm.
    I learn from adversity.
    I am free to explore the world around me.

Not for Resale. All Rights Reserved.

Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.

Do you still have questions?

Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?

If so, email Sheilah.

I\’d enjoy hearing from you!