August 2012

Affirmation for New Beginnings: Joyfully Move Forward


Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording


I joyfully move forward to embrace a new beginning.

This affirmation is read verbally once before being repeated supraliminally seventy additional times in various formats*.

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Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

*The following is the script used on the subliminal recording:

  • I joyfully move forward to embrace a new beginning.
  • You joyfully move forward to embrace a new beginning.
  • Other people respect you because they see that you are joyfully moving forward to embrace a new beginning.
  • Successful people, just like you, let go of the past and joyfully move forward to embrace a new beginning.

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Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.

Do you still have questions?

Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?

If so, email Sheilah.

I\’d enjoy hearing from you!

Affirmation for New Beginnings: Worthy of All the Good Things In Life


Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording


I am worthy of joy, prosperity, love and all the good things that life has to offer.

This affirmation is read verbally once before being repeated supraliminally seventy additional times in various formats*.

[powerpress url=\”\” type=\”audio/mp3\”]

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

*The following is the script used on the subliminal recording:

  • I am worthy of joy, prosperity, love and all the good things that life has to offer.
  • You are worthy of joy, prosperity, love and all the good things that life has to offer.
  • Other people undertand that you are worthy of joy, prosperity, love and all the good things that life has to offer.
  • Successful people, like you, understand that they are worthy of joy, prosperity, love and all the good things that life has to offer.

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Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.

Do you still have questions?

Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?

If so, email Sheilah.

I\’d enjoy hearing from you!

Affirmation for New Beginnings: Honor Yourself


Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording


When I honor myself and my needs, my energy increases and I feel fantastic.

This affirmation is read verbally once before being repeated supraliminally seventy additional times in various formats*.

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Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

*The following is the script used on the subliminal recording:

  • When I honor myself and my needs, my energy increases and I feel fantastic.
  • When you honor yourself and your needs, your energy always increases and you feel fantastic.
  • Other people notice that the more you honor yourself and your needs, the more energy you have.
  • Successful people, like you, honor their needs so that they increase their levels of energy and feelings of well-being.

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Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.

Do you still have questions?

Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?

If so, email Sheilah.

I\’d enjoy hearing from you!

Affirmation for New Beginnings:

Affirmation for New Beginnings: Empower Yourself


Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording


In this very moment, I am empowering myself to create a positive new beginning.

This affirmation is read verbally once before being repeated supraliminally seventy additional times in various formats*.

[powerpress url=\”\” type=\”audio/mp3\”]

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

*The following is the script used on the subliminal recording:

  • In this very moment, I am empowering myself to create a positive new beginning.
  • In this very moment, you are empowering yourself to create a positive new beginning.
  • Other people notice that you are empowering yourself to create a positive new beginning.
  • At this very moment, you are inspired to take action because you are empowered to create a positive new beginning.

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Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.

Do you still have questions?

Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?

If so, email Sheilah.

I\’d enjoy hearing from you!

Affirmation for New Beginnings: Unfolding


Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording


My life is unfolding perfectly in uplifting ways.

This affirmation is read verbally once before being repeated supraliminally seventy additional times in various formats*.

[powerpress url=\”\” type=\”audio/mp3\”]

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

*The following is the script used on the subliminal recording:

  • My life is unfolding perfectly in uplifting ways.
  • Your life is unfolding perfectly in uplifting ways.
  • Other people notice that your life is unfolding perfectly in uplifting ways.
  • You are motivated to do new things because you know that your life is unfolding perfectly in uplifting ways.

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Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.

Do you still have questions?

Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?

If so, email Sheilah.

I\’d enjoy hearing from you!

Affirmations for Leadership: Affirm Your Goodness

Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording


I am a good, caring and decent person.

[ca_audio url=\”\” width=\”500\” height=\”27\” css_class=\”codeart-google-mp3-player\”]

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following is the script used on the subliminal recording:

  • You will accept these affirmations as your own and act upon them easily and effortlessly.
  • I am a good, caring and decent person.
  • You are a good, caring and decent person.
  • Other people recognize and respect you because you are a good, caring and decent person.

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Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.

Do you still have questions?

Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?

If so, email Sheilah.

I\’d enjoy hearing from you!