
Affirmations for Today: Take Success


Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording

These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.


  • I deserve to live the life I desire. 
  • I am confident.
  • I see the importance of my own goals.
  • I stand up for my goals and priorities.
  • I put my dreams first. 
  • I reach out to do whatever is necessary to achieve that which I desire.


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Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here. Do you still have questions? Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?

If so, email Sheilah.

I\’d enjoy hearing from you!

Affirmations for Today: Action


Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording

These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.


  • I clearly see things as they need to be accomplished. 
  • I create a step by step action plan. 
  • I take the necessary time to get organized.
  • I follow through on my plans.
  • I do everything necessary to achieve success.


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Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here. Do you still have questions? Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?

If so, email Sheilah.

I\’d enjoy hearing from you!

Affirmations for Today: First Things First


Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording

These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.


  • I know what is important to me.
  • Every goal I set for myself is my own.
  • I prioritize my goals in order of importance.
  • I organize my time.
  • I act on the most important goal first.


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Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here. Do you still have questions? Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?

If so, email Sheilah.

I\’d enjoy hearing from you!

Affirmations for Today: Honor Your Goals


Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording

These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.


  • I set my own priorities.
  • My goals are my own.
  • I clearly see my goals.
  • I value my goals and priorities.
  • I see myself reaching my goals.


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Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here. Do you still have questions? Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?

If so, email Sheilah.

I\’d enjoy hearing from you!

Affirmations for Today: Energetic Success

Topic of the week: Success Mindset

Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording

These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.

  • I work with enthusiasm.
  • I am overflowing with energy.
  • I use my time wisely.
  • I work quickly and efficiently.
  • I love challenges and learn from every situation in my life.


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Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here. Do you still have questions? Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?

If so, email Sheilah.

I\’d enjoy hearing from you!

Affirmations for Today: Goal Success

Topic of the week: Success Mindset

Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording

These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.

  • I am committed to reaching my goals. 
  • I set goals for daily activity and meet them regularly.
  • I have complete faith that I will achieve my goals.
  • I persistently take action that moves me forward.
  • Everyday day I learn something new that will help me achieve my goals.  


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Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here. Do you still have questions? Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?

If so, email Sheilah.

I\’d enjoy hearing from you!

Affirmations for Today: Achievement

Topic of the week: Success Mindset

Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording

These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording. 

  • I start each day with enthusiasm.
  • I am the essence of success.
  • I am unique, valuable and intelligent.
  • Ideas come to me easily and effortlessly.
  • I can achieve anything I want in life. 



Not for Resale. All Rights Reserved.

Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here. Do you still have questions? Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?

If so, email Sheilah.

I\’d enjoy hearing from you!

Affirmations for Today: Positive Success

Topic of the week: Success Mindset

Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording

These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.


  • I recognise the power of my thoughts.
  • I am positive and prosperous minded.
  • I fill my mind with positive, inspiring thoughts.
  • I believe in myself.
  • I see myself as a successful person. 



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Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here. Do you still have questions? Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?

If so, email Sheilah.

I\’d enjoy hearing from you!

Affirmations for Today: Inner Peace


Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording

These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.

  • My intentions create my reality.
  • My intention is for peace.
  • I breathe deeply.
  • I breathe in peace.
  • I am at peace with myself.
  • Do you want another relaxation download? Click here to get a FREE guided hypnosis relaxation download.

    Not for Resale. All Rights Reserved.

    Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here. Do you still have questions? Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video? If so, email Sheilah.

    I\’d enjoy hearing from you!

Affirmations for Today: Demand Respect


Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording

These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.

  • I expect people to be kind to me.
  • I deserve to be treated well.
  • I demand to be treated well.
  • I demand respect.
  • Other people admire my assertiveness.


Not for Resale. All Rights Reserved.

Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here. Do you still have questions? Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video? If so, email Sheilah.


I\’d enjoy hearing from you!