
Affirmations for Today: Endless Possibilites


Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording

These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.

  • I have unlimited potential.
  • My possibilities are endless.
  • I am a lucky, happy, healthy and successful person.
  • I possess an abundance of creativity and energy.
  • I have the energy and passion to make my thoughts reality.

*Not a substitute replacement for professional medical or psychological help.

Music – Miscellaneous
Subliminal Affirmations For Happiness

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Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.

Do you still have questions?

Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?

If so, email Sheilah.

I\’d enjoy hearing from you!

Affirmations for Today: Appreciate Life


Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording

These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.

  • I attract positive people into my life.
  • I treat others as I would like to be treated
  • I smile often and people smile back.
  • I appreciate my life and everyone in it.
  • I am excited to be alive!

*Not a substitute replacement for professional medical or psychological help.

Music – Miscellaneous
Subliminal Affirmations For Happiness

Not for Resale. All Rights Reserved.

Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.

Do you still have questions?

Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?

If so, email Sheilah.

I\’d enjoy hearing from you!

Affirmations for Today: Positivity


Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording

These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.

  • My thoughts are under my control.
  • I choose to be positive.
  • I replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts.
  • I radiate happiness and joy.
  • I am a positive person unaffected by the negative words and attitudes of others.

*Not a substitute replacement for professional medical or psychological help.

Music – Miscellaneous
Subliminal Affirmations For Happiness

Not for Resale. All Rights Reserved.

Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.

Do you still have questions?

Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?

If so, email Sheilah.

I\’d enjoy hearing from you!

Affirmations for Today: Powerful Mind


Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording

These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.


  • I have a powerful mind.
  • I learn from everything I experience.
  • I align myself to my talents.
  • I am highly creative.
  • My thoughts are innovative.

Not for Resale. All Rights Reserved.

Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here. Do you still have questions? Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?

If so, email Sheilah.

I\’d enjoy hearing from you!

Affirmations for Today: Inner Peace


Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording

These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.

  • My intentions create my reality.
  • My intention is for peace.
  • I breathe deeply.
  • I breathe in peace.
  • I am at peace with myself.
  • Do you want another relaxation download? Click here to get a FREE guided hypnosis relaxation download.

    Not for Resale. All Rights Reserved.

    Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here. Do you still have questions? Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video? If so, email Sheilah.

    I\’d enjoy hearing from you!

Affirmations for Today: Demand Respect


Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording

These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.

  • I expect people to be kind to me.
  • I deserve to be treated well.
  • I demand to be treated well.
  • I demand respect.
  • Other people admire my assertiveness.


Not for Resale. All Rights Reserved.

Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here. Do you still have questions? Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video? If so, email Sheilah.


I\’d enjoy hearing from you!

Affirmations for Today: Looking Forward

\"\"Theme of the week: Self-Acceptance


Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording

These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.

  •  I choose to live a happy fulfilling life now.
  •  I am whole, complete and healthy.
  •  I am content with who I am and feel good about myself.
  •  I love my life now.
  •  I look forward to the adventure of the future.

Music – Miscellaneous
Subliminal Affirmations For Self-acceptance

Not for Resale. All Rights Reserved.

Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here. Do you still have questions? Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video? If so, email Sheilah.


I\’d enjoy hearing from you!

Affirmations for Today: Acceptance

\"\"Theme of the week: Self-Acceptance


Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording

These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.

  • I approve of myself.
  •  I am perfect just as I am.
  •  I am generous and accepting of myself.
  •  I accept my current circumstances.
  •  My self-acceptance gives others permission to love and accept themselves.

Music – Miscellaneous
Subliminal Affirmations For Self-acceptance

Not for Resale. All Rights Reserved.

Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here. Do you still have questions? Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video? If so, email Sheilah.


I\’d enjoy hearing from you!

Affirmations for Today: Positive Growth

\"\"Theme of the week: Self-Acceptance


Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording

These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.

  • I take control of my life.
  • I actively work to improve my life circumstances.
  • I continually grow.
  • I have replaced any feelings of helplessness with self-control.
  • I am now in control of the life I choose to live.

Music – Miscellaneous
Subliminal Affirmations For Self-acceptance

Not for Resale. All Rights Reserved.

Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here. Do you still have questions? Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video? If so, email Sheilah.


I\’d enjoy hearing from you!

Affirmations for Today: Choose Happiness

\"\"Theme of the week: Self-Acceptance


Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording

These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.

  • I love my life.
  • I live for today.
  • I choose to feel happy.
  • I live in the moment.
  • I allow myself to enjoy living every moment of my life.

Music – Miscellaneous
Subliminal Affirmations For Self-acceptance

Not for Resale. All Rights Reserved.

Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here. Do you still have questions? Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video? If so, email Sheilah.


I\’d enjoy hearing from you!