Affirmation of the Day: Opportunities for Success

\”My possibilities for success are endless.\”
\”Your possibilities for success are endless.\”

* Click here to get to the free download page.

About the process: Say these affirmations to yourself no less than three times after listening to the recording at least once. You may listen to this silent recording as often as you wish.
It is important to say these affirmations in the first and second person to make certain that the information is accepted into your conscious mind.
Supraliminals are recorded above the threshold of human hearing: your subconscious will hear the message while your ears will hear absolutely nothing.
Feel free to contact me should you have any questions. I always welcome your questions and feedback.
Wishing you the best of success,
*If you plan on uploading this to your mp3 player and are having difficulty, please let me know. It could be a formatting issue. These Mp3s are created using ID3v2.
If you are having trouble, email me with the preferred format of your particular player (ID3V1, ID3V2, APEv1, or APEv2) or the brand and model. I can change the format for you and send you a new link within 72 hours.
Why would I do this?
Well, my friend, your success will impact our world in a positive way. I\’m sure of it.
Think of it this way…
your success is our success.
Go for it!

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