Free Subliminal Recording Download: Intimate Inhibition Release for Women

When the little bluebird
Who has never said a word
Starts to sing Spring
When the little bluebell
At the bottom of the dell
Starts to ring Ding dong Ding dong
When the little blue clerk
In the middle of his work
Starts a tune to the moon up above
It is nature that is all

~ Let\’s Do It

Lyrics written by Cole Porter

Lovemaking – it certainly is an important aspect in the lives of many people.

Some people make it out to be a magic bullet. Even Napoleon Hill credited sexual energy for his great success.

\’Sex energy is the creative energy of ALL geniuses. There
NEVER has been, and NEVER will be a great leader, builder or artist lacking in the
driving force of sex.\’

In addition, to being seen as a mystical source of creative power. Physical intimacy is tagged as one form of exercise, burning as many as 300 calories per hour (the actual caloric expenditure most likely will depend on how much involvement one becomes in the activity). Research suggests that congress can give one the same benefits of 20 minutes of vigorous exercise and that men who engage in this activity at least three times a week enjoy a 50% reduction in their heart attack risk.

In addition, research suggests that it has other health benefits as it provides an immune system boost, prevents depression (at least in women), reduces stress and anxiety, aids insomnia, and reduces the risk of prostrate cancer. Given this information, one can understand why the UK National Health Service made the controversial recommendation that everyone, including students, have at least one orgasm a day.

Believe it or not, there are studies which suggest that intimate acts can help one look younger. One study in Scotland found that people who engaged in intercourse at least four times a week tended to look ten years younger than their actual age.

Now, when your best friend from high school tells you that you look ten years younger than everyone else, try not to blush!
Of course, lovemaking does have a positive effect on one\’s intimate relationships. Certainly, spending quality time with your partner will enhance that relationship. Spending it in one specific way will provide you both with a cascade of hormones that will bring you closer.

In this busy world, with our huge to-do lists and endless responsibilities, we can sometimes feel guilty about taking time to feel good about ourselves and experience bliss. You can release that guilt now!

Do it not just for yourself but for your partner.


P.S. Unfortunately, unsafe sexual practices will probably will reduce any health benefit provided by sex you have. So, for the love of Peter, use a condom if you, even remotely, consider it necessary!

Wishing you the very best of life, love and success,
(30 min.)This powerful recording contains hundreds of hypnotic suggestions designed to help females of any sexual orientation feel sexier, exude sensuality, carve out time for intimacy, let go of inhibitions, and feel more beautiful and less self-conscious during intimate experiences.

Click here for the download link.

Warning: It is important that whenever you listen to any hypnosis or subliminal recording that you be in a safe, peaceful environment. Please do not listen to these recordings while driving a vehicle or operating dangerous machinery. Certain people should not use hypnosis or subliminal recordings: do not listen to these recordings if you are pregnant, have a pacemaker, a seizure disorder, or are under the age of 18 (without the consent of your physician).

ONE WORD ON MANIPULATION:  It won\’t work.   In the short time I\’ve had this file online, I have already had one gentleman ask if I could make him a silent version to play on the background during dates. 

I won\’t do that. 

It will work on at least three conditions.

Your lady friend is going to have to agree with what you want.  That mean\’s you\’re going to have to pass all those little tests she\’s going to put you through during the dating process to screen out the incompatible men.

And, then, for any hypnosis recording to work, you\’re going to have to give it at least one hour a day for at least three weeks. 

Thank you for your attention to the matter.


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