June 2011

Affirmations For Today: Celebrate Your Uniqueness

Dear readers,

This week we are going to try something different and use a theme approach. This week our theme will be increasing self-esteem.

Thank you for your suggestions and requests. I apologize for being a little behind on them but appreciate hearing from you. Your emails and letters keep me motivated to continue this blog.

Wishing you the best of success,


Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording

These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from 4Shared.com

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.

  • I am worthwhile.
  • I value myself.
  • I express my needs and feelings .
  • I am my own unique self.
  • I am all that I allow myself to be.
  • Subliminal Affirmations for Self-Esteem



How Hypnosis Recordings Can Help You Now: You have three levels of mind which work together to create the wonderful person that you are. Your unconscious mind regulates your biological patterns; your conscious mind helps you navigate your world, while your subconscious mind directs your behavior based upon the information given it via your conscious mind. Sometimes, though, the information that you wish to integrate into your subconscious mind is filtered through the critical factor of the conscious mind. When you truly desire to change your behavior on an innate level, you must bypass the critical factor of your conscious mind and implant the new information directly into your subconscious mind.

Affirmations are one method of getting information into your subconscious mind. Guided affirmations involve listening to an affirmation repeatedly; this method not only allows the positive suggestion to be heard by your conscious mind but their repetition allows them to make an impact on your subconscious level of mind.


Supraliminal suggestions are a form of subliminal affirmations that are recorded at high frequencies, outside the threshold of conscious human hearing. Although there are no audible words, your subconscious will still hear the affirmation. This process can help you bypass the critical factor of the conscious mind helping you make the changes you truly desire.

On the recording I will speak each affirmation one time and then it will repeat subliminally ten more times. Repeating the affirmation numerous times will serve to remove the subconscious blocks to creating these changes in your life.

Not for Resale. All Rights Reserved.

Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.

Do you still have questions?

Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?

If so, email Sheilah.

I\’d enjoy hearing from you!

Affirmations for Today: Self-Belief


Dear readers,


This week we are going to try something different and use a theme approach. This week our theme will be increasing self-esteem.


Thank you for your suggestions and requests. I apologize for being a little behind on them but appreciate hearing from you. Your emails and letters keep me motivated to continue this blog.


Wishing you the best of success,





Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording

These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from 4Shared.com

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.

  • I am a good person.
  • I am liked and accepted.
  • I am a uniquely wonderful person.
  • I believe in myself.
  • The more I believe in myself, the more other people believe in me.
  • Subliminal Affirmations for Self-Esteem



How Hypnosis Recordings Can Help You Now: You have three levels of mind which work together to create the wonderful person that you are. Your unconscious mind regulates your biological patterns; your conscious mind helps you navigate your world, while your subconscious mind directs your behavior based upon the information given it via your conscious mind. Sometimes, though, the information that you wish to integrate into your subconscious mind is filtered through the critical factor of the conscious mind. When you truly desire to change your behavior on an innate level, you must bypass the critical factor of your conscious mind and implant the new information directly into your subconscious mind.

Affirmations are one method of getting information into your subconscious mind. Guided affirmations involve listening to an affirmation repeatedly; this method not only allows the positive suggestion to be heard by your conscious mind but their repetition allows them to make an impact on your subconscious level of mind.


Supraliminal suggestions are a form of subliminal affirmations that are recorded at high frequencies, outside the threshold of conscious human hearing. Although there are no audible words, your subconscious will still hear the affirmation. This process can help you bypass the critical factor of the conscious mind helping you make the changes you truly desire.

On the recording I will speak each affirmation one time and then it will repeat subliminally ten more times. Repeating the affirmation numerous times will serve to remove the subconscious blocks to creating these changes in your life.

Not for Resale. All Rights Reserved.

Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.

Do you still have questions?

Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?

If so, email Sheilah.

I\’d enjoy hearing from you!

Notice- Some files may not be found


Dear Readers,

On at least two occasions over the past year, several of my vocal and subliminal files have been flagged by a company known as Muso.com and removed from my hosts\’ servers. Muso.com is paid to remove files that it believes belongs to its clients. According to its terms of service, it is paid for the removal of a certain number of files per month and it is obvious that it doesn\’t matter whether or not the files removed from servers are actually owned by its clients.

Muso.com claims that my hypnosis files belong to NuclearBlastUSA, an entity known for heavy metal music rather than subliminal or hypnotic recordings. Neither NuclearBlastUSA nor Muso.com have responsed to my inquiries.

After receiving several DMCA requests from these entities, my host has removed some of my files and is threatening to disable my account if they get one more false request as they must protect their legal standing.  I will file a counter DMCA claim but it will do little good if Muso.com makes another false claim against me as my account will be suspended.

As a result, the free recordings will be suspended until such time as I can find a new host.    If you have a recommendation for me, I\’d love to know.  If there is a file you want and cannot access it, please write to me and I\’ll find a way to get it to you.

If it bothers you that people who create their own recordings can be harassed in this way, feel free to write to your Senator and Congressperson and tell them about the problems with DMCA abuse, false claims of copyright infringement, and how innocent parties have their work removed without recourse due to mistakes, oversights, or the greed of companies like Muso.com.

Wishing you the best,


Affirmations for Today: Living in the Present


Dear readers,


This week we are going to try something different and use a theme approach. This week our theme will be letting go of negative influences from the past.


Thank you for your suggestions and requests. I apologize for being a little behind on them but appreciate hearing from you. Your emails and letters keep me motivated to continue this blog.


Wishing you the best of success,





Guided + Subliminal Affirmation Recording

These suggestions are only repeated verbally once before being repeated supraliminally ten additional times.

Click Here to download the mp3 version for FREE from 4Shared.com

For Best Results: Listen to the recording while saying the affirmations to yourself and visualizing the outcome you desire.

The following are the self-affirmations that accompany the recording.

  • Each day is a new opportunity.
  • Today is the first day of my new life.
  • I live in the now and design my future.
  • I enjoy living every moment of my life
  • What matters is NOW!
  • My life is great now.
  • \"Subliminal
    Subliminal Affirmations: Let Go of the Past

    How Hypnosis Recordings Can Help You Now: You have three levels of mind which work together to create the wonderful person that you are. Your unconscious mind regulates your biological patterns…
    Read More 7.77 USD

How Hypnosis Recordings Can Help You Now: You have three levels of mind which work together to create the wonderful person that you are. Your unconscious mind regulates your biological patterns; your conscious mind helps you navigate your world, while your subconscious mind directs your behavior based upon the information given it via your conscious mind. Sometimes, though, the information that you wish to integrate into your subconscious mind is filtered through the critical factor of the conscious mind. When you truly desire to change your behavior on an innate level, you must bypass the critical factor of your conscious mind and implant the new information directly into your subconscious mind.

Affirmations are one method of getting information into your subconscious mind. Guided affirmations involve listening to an affirmation repeatedly; this method not only allows the positive suggestion to be heard by your conscious mind but their repetition allows them to make an impact on your subconscious level of mind.

Supraliminal suggestions are a form of subliminal affirmations that are recorded at high frequencies, outside the threshold of conscious human hearing. Although there are no audible words, your subconscious will still hear the affirmation. This process can help you bypass the critical factor of the conscious mind helping you make the changes you truly desire.

On the recording I will speak each affirmation one time and then it will repeat subliminally ten more times. Repeating the affirmation numerous times will serve to remove the subconscious blocks to creating these changes in your life.

Not for Resale. All Rights Reserved.
Do you want to learn more about affirmations? If so, click here.
Do you still have questions?
Do you have a request for a hypnosis, subliminal, or training video?
If so, email Sheilah.

I\’d enjoy hearing from you!