Ask Sheilah

Subliminal Affirmations for Nursing Students



A blog reader writes:
Hi Sheilah,
I am such a fan of your videos. They\’ve been a tremendous help to me since my discovering them earlier this week.   
I\’m wondering if you could do a subliminal video for older nursing students, as there are lots of us out here striving to do well in our studies so we can serve others.
S. R.

Sheilah answers:

Hi S.
Congratulations on getting accepted into a nursing program. The program administrators must have seen something spectacular in you to accept you into such a fast paced and rigorous program. I hope you pat yourself on the back! You deserve it.
Thank you for supplying the affirmations.  I like your affirmations so much that I created an hour long recording for you where your affirmations are looped continuously.  You and other nursing students can find the download links underneath the video.
I like to change the pronouns in the affirmations because people tend to respond to the wording differently: Some people like reading them in the first person and hearing them in the second. I also think it is important for us to understand that other people see the changes we are making in our lives. It is also helpful to believe that other people have had success using the habits we are trying to incorporate into our lives. Below I typed your affirmations with these thoughts in mind. You can find a complete list of what is on the subliminal recording below.
I do have other recordings on my blog for Test Taking Mastery and Academic Success.
Thank you for your kind words. Please keep in touch. I look forward to congratulating you when you graduate.
Wishing you the best of success,


The affirmations and color scheme in the video were contributed by S.R.
The musical piece is Eternal Hope by Kevin MacLeod of

Download via IDrive for FREE until April 23, 2013:

The following is a complete list of affirmations used on the subliminal recording:

I am worthy.
I can achieve greatness at any age.
I am well on my way to greatness now.
I am a healer of many.
I am balanced and confident.
I am extremely intelligent.
I learn very quickly and easily.
I recall information easily and effortlessly.
I have a photographic memory.
I can apply what I\’ve learned to exams and patient care.
I am a good nurse.
I will get a good job.
I am happy.
Life is good.
I reach the goals set for myself.
I pass my licensing exams easily and effortlessly.
I am confident in my abilities.
I share my vast knowledge.
I fit in easily with health care staff and patients love me.
I take right actions and use good judgment.
I get excellent grades and am a leader.
I go on to receive advance degrees in nursing.
I am an inspiration to all I meet.
I have many supportive friends.
I am comfortable in my surroundings.
All good is possible.
You are worthy.
You can achieve greatness at any age.
You are well on your way to greatness now.
You are a healer of many.
You are balanced and confident.
You are extremely intelligent.
You learn very quickly and easily.
You recall information easily and effortlessly.
You have a photographic memory.
You can apply what you\’ve learned to exams and patient care.
You are a good nurse.
You will get a good job.
You are happy.
Life is good.
You reach the goals set for yourself.
You pass your licensing exams easily and effortlessly.
You are confident in your abilities.
You share your vast knowledge.
You fit in easily with health care staff and patients love you.
You take right actions and use good judgment.
You get excellent grades and am a leader.
You go on to receive advance degrees in nursing.
You are an inspiration to every person you meet.
You have many supportive friends.
You are comfortable in your surroundings.
All good is possible.
Other people notice that you are worthy.
Other people notice that you can achieve greatness at any age.
Other people notice that you are well on your way to greatness now.
Other people notice that you are a healer of many.
Other people notice that you are balanced and confident.
Other people notice that you are extremely intelligent.
Other people notice that you learn very quickly and easily.
Other people notice that you recall information easily and effortlessly.
Other people notice that you have a photographic memory.
Other people notice that you can apply what you\’ve learned to exams and patient care.
Other people notice that you are a good nurse.
Other people notice that you will get a good job.
Other people notice that you are happy.
Other people notice that life is good.
Other people notice that you reach the goals set for yourself.
Other people notice that you pass your licensing exams easily and effortlessly.
Other people notice that you are confident in your abilities.
Other people notice that you share your vast knowledge.
Other people notice that you fit in easily with health care staff and patients love you.
Other people notice that you take right actions and use good judgment.
Other people notice that you get excellent grades and am a leader.
Other people notice that you go on to receive advance degrees in nursing.
Other people notice that you are an inspiration to every person you meet.
Other people notice that you have many supportive friends.
Other people notice that you are comfortable in your surroundings.
Other people realize that all good is possible.
Successful nurses, just like you, know that they are worthy.
Successful nurses, just like you, know that they can achieve greatness at any age.
Successful nurses, just like you, know that they are well on their way to greatness now.
Successful nurses, just like you, know that they are a healers of many.
Successful nurses, just like you, know that they are balanced and confident.
Successful nurses, just like you, know that they are extremely intelligent.
Successful nurses, just like you, know that they learn very quickly and easily.
Successful nurses, just like you, know that they recall information easily and effortlessly.
Successful nurses, just like you, know that they have a photographic memory.
Successful nurses, just like you, know that they can apply what they\’ve learned to exams and patient care.
Successful nurses, just like you, know that they are good nurses.
Successful nurses, just like you, know that they will get a good job.
Successful nurses, just like you, know that they are happy.
Successful nurses, just like you, know that life is good.
Successful nurses, just like you, know that they reach the goals set for themselves.
Successful nurses, just like you, know that they pass their licensing exams easily and effortlessly.
Successful nurses, just like you, know that they are confident in their abilities.
Successful nurses, just like you, know that they share their vast knowledge.
Successful nurses, just like you, know that they fit in easily with health care staff and patients love them.
Successful nurses, just like you, know that they take right actions and use good judgment.
Successful nurses, just like you, know that they get excellent grades and are leaders.
Successful nurses, just like you, know that they go on to receive advance degrees in nursing.
Successful nurses, just like you, know that they are an inspiration to every person they meet.
Successful nurses, just like you, know that they have many supportive friends.
Successful nurses, just like you, know that they are comfortable in their surroundings.
Successful nurses, just like you, know that all good is possible.

The Impact of the DMCA on the Hypnosis Blogger

Question from a reader:  I can\’t access some of your files and noticed that you haven\’t posted in awhile.  When will you come back? 

Dear Readers,

Over the past few years, this blog became my labor of love.  Posting to this website was the reason I woke up early in the morning.  I quickly found answering your requests to become my favorite part of the day.  Sadly, in recent years, creating and sharing sound recordings on the internet has become a bit more complicated.

As you have noticed, I am no longer posting daily affirmations and free hypnosis content regularly.  You may have also noticed that ads are appearing on my YouTube videos and many of my recordings have been removed from the free download websites that generously allow me to bring my work directly to anyone who needs it at no cost.

For several months, I have experienced a deluge of false DMCA notices from,,, and a couple of other companies that claim ownership of my work.  The result of these false claims of copyright ownership is that many of the web hosts are removing my work and forcing me to fight to have the content put back into view of the internet community.

I am being warned that all of my recordings will be removed due to the sheer number of false DMCA claims that I am receiving.  This necessitates suspending this blog until I can find another way to share my material.  Rest assured, I am currently looking for a solution that will enable me to resume creating recordings and sharing them for free.  I will entertain any solutions that you may have to help me resume creating content and sharing my files without the constant need to file numerous DMCA counter notifications.  If you have suggestions, please feel free to email me.

Wishing you the best of success,



P.S.  I am in the process of catching up on my correspondence.  Thank you for your patience.

Question from a Reader: Do Subliminal Recordings Really Work?


I\’ve read a lot of reports saying that there is no scientific evidence of subliminal messages working for anyone and they say it\’s just a placebo affect as if you believe something then your brain would be fooled as well.  Can you prove to me that these subliminals work and if so how long will it take to see changes.

Sheilah answers:

Thank you for writing, I actually saw a posting from a well known hypnotist recently on this very topic.   The writer cited the fact that there was no proof that subliminals worked nor did he cite proof that they didn\’t work.  Hypnotic recordings can be quite a complicated topic, so feel free to write back if you have further questions.

To be clear, the postings I have on the website and my blog are supraliminals (recorded above the threshold of normal conscious hearing).  They are encoded differently than subliminals (recorded softly beneath the threshold of human hearing).  I tell my clients that they have to hear a subliminal/supraliminal suggestion 70 times to make up for hearing it once via guided hypnosis.  No one knows for sure how many times you need to hear it but research does show that suggestions are most effective if you attend to them consciously (hear them or think about them).

To answer your question, it takes three weeks to change a habit.  So, in my experience, it takes about three weeks to see permanent results, if you follow the process every single day.  Some people see results right away; other people see them later on.  The important thing is that they are consistently attending to the new information in order to make the changes they desire.  This is what is necessary to see results.

Also, many supraliminals and subliminals contain binaural beats or other tones intended to create an altered state of consciousness depending upon the tone.  So, if one were to listen to a recording containing these tones, it will be easier to access the subconscious mind and alter one\’s subconscious thoughts.  Our subconscious mind is what drives our behavior by changing our thoughts on a subconscious level we change our behavior.

I suggest that my clients listen to the recordings, slip into a relaxed state, and visualize what one wants or read the affirmations to themselves.  It tends to work much faster that way as they are engaging in self-hypnosis at that point.  The key to success is to visualize the outcome you desire.  This can be done with or without hypnosis recordings.

All hypnosis is truly self-hypnosis!  To get results via guided hypnosis with a practitioner – you must open yourself up to that change. You must allow the hypnotist to lead you into that altered state.   No matter what you choose, you are responsible for your results.  The hypnotherapist is simply the facilitator…you are in charge.

Many clients say that they cannot take time to listen to a full blown guided hypnosis CD or they don\’t want other people to know what they are playing due to the subject matter.  I offer supraliminals on my blog so people can listen to them at work without their co-workers knowing what they are hearing.  I do get many emails stating that the people who download my free supraliminals get results.  Last week, I actually had one man visit my office and recite some of the affirmations off of the free charisma download I offer. I did not post the suggestions online.  I don\’t know if this is due to coincidence or a placebo effect. He was happy with his results. That is all that matters.

As far as the placebo effect, research shows that the placebos can be quite effective.  Depending on what the researcher is comparing, the placebo effect can be anywhere from a 25% success rate to a 76% success rate.   I, too, have read that people claim the success of guided hypnosis is due to the placebo effect.  There are people who go so far as to claim that the successes of some medical treatments are due to the placebo effect.

Does it really matter if people get the results they desire?

It seems as though you are asking for concrete scientific proof that subliminal, supraliminal, and/or brainwave entertainment recordings work without creating a placebo effect, I don\’t know what I can give you at this very moment.  I do give most of my work in this arena away for FREE so I can invite you to download a free full-length supraliminal from my blog and write down what comes to mind.  If you\’d like we can match it up to the suggestions I used on the recording.

Of course, you can always write back with questions.

Remember all hypnosis is self-hypnosis, when you see results with any type of hypnosis (guided or otherwise); the credit will rest with YOU, not with the hypnotist or the product.  The key is to believe that you can achieve that which you desire and visualize your success.

Wishing you the best of success,


Free Brainwave Synchronization Download: Fall Asleep Easily

Question: I have a busy mind and have trouble quieting my thoughts at night. Can hypnosis help me fall asleep?

There are people who have found great success using hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis as a stress management technique. Hypnosis can help you deal with a trauma, minimize worry, and be more positive. Sleep issues, though, can be caused by medical issues. If persistent sleep issues plague you, it is important to seek the advice of qualified medical professional. If you have a medical diagnosis and choose to use hypnotherapy, the best thing to do would be to visit with your physician and ask for a referral to a hypnotherapist who has dealt with your specific issue in the past. For something like this, the best bet would be to see a therapist in person before relying on the suggestions contained within a subliminal or a guided hypnosis recording.

That stated, many people have found brainwave entrainment helpful when having trouble falling asleep. Brainwave synchronization is the method of using auditory tones to cause brainwave frequencies to enter into a pattern correlating to a specific brainwave state. This technique operates off of the theory that the human brain has an inclination to alter its brainwave frequency to match that of a dominant external stimulus. In other words, the frequency of the audio tones can cause brainwaves to oscillate at the same rate which in turn alters the frequency of the brainwave pattern.

The brainwaves on this recording will allow your mind to slow down and drift off into a deep and natural sleep. It is important to only play the recording once prior to falling asleep. Looping the recording will interfere with your natural sleep cycle.

The following recording uses brainwave synchronization. After reading and heeding the warnings in the next paragraph, feel free to download and use the following recording to alter your brainwave state. By downloading this recording, you are agreeing to honor the wishes of your primary health care provider, heed the warnings below, play only once prior to falling asleep and take full responsiblity for the results arising from the use of this recording.

Please note: these recordings are not intended to be a replacement for the advice of your physician nor is it intended to cure, treat, or prevent any disease or condition. Thank you.

Click here to download the above file. Headphones are not recommended with this download.

Do not loop. For best results listen once daily.

To use this session, play one time when you are ready to fall asleep at the end of the day.

Warning: It is important that whenever you listen to any hypnosis or subliminal recording that you be in a safe, peaceful environment. Please do not listen to these recordings while driving a vehicle or operating dangerous machinery. Certain people should not use hypnosis, subliminal, or brainwave synchronization recordings: do not listen to these recordings if you are pregnant, have a pacemaker, a seizure disorder, or are under the age of 18 (without the consent of your physician).

This Brainwave Synchronization recording is a response to a special request. Do you have a request? Feel free to make one below.

Feel free to contact me directly, if you have questions.

I welcome questions!

Wishing you the best,
